(A practical guide and secret of Making Money by watching football and other sports)
By Abdul Hamid Adeniyi Otule
The Aims and Objectives of this writing is to expose to you our esteemed readers one of the most possible, tested and confirmed way of making money for as high as you can ever imagine while trading football and other sports. This article will be focusing mainly on the round leather game i.e. Football as a sport which is the one with the most followership around the globe.
Football Trading though has been in existence and people have made substantial incomes from venturing in the various models we have. I like to assure you that this is an opportunity to acquire the most tested and possible ways to make it big in the business.
Without wasting much of your precious time because I know you choose to visit my blog not to read some rambling idea or trash, but for the purpose of getting a useful information probably to discover a latest discovery on how to trade football to a reasonable level.
Sport is a big business anywhere in the world, football in particular brings the world to a stand still whenever there is big competition i.e. world cup, European champions league, English premier league which is of course the average Nigerian Best followed League.
A big important question asked by everyone is:
How Does Football Trading Works?
Football is played round the clock every day and smart individuals are making substantial income from it. Let me work you through some terms you will need to understand for profitable trading.
The terms you need to know are as follows:
Bookmakers: These are companies that provide the platform for betting activities. They also set the prices and expected winnings on each football match. Sometimes they could be referred to as ‘bookies’.
Odds: It’s the price given by bookmakers to a match on a particular day. Odds are determined by how competitive a match could be. Let’s assume Manchester United is playing Blackburn Rovers, the odds could go this way: 1.35, 3.56, and 7.45.
What this simply means is that the bookies are saying if you trade in favour of Manchester United the amount invested will be multiplied by 1.35, if the match ends in a draw and you trade on draw, your investment will be multiplied by 3.56. Lastly, if you trade that the match will be in favour of Blackburn Rovers, your investment will be multiplied by 7.56.
Football trading is not about predicting the exact outcome of a game all that is needed is following trends and analysis to determine out of the possible 3 outcomes of the match. Win Draw and Loss.
The following signs are used in football trading.
1: Win for the home team
X: The match will end in draw
2: The away team will win
See the illustration in the screenshot below.

How to Go About Trading
As stated earlier, there are many bookmarkers that provide platform to trade on; some of these bookies are belfair, bwin, bet365, betahome, fonbet, b4u24 {all in} and so on.
The process of registration is easy. All you have to do is go to the site and register.
Once registration is complete, the next thing is to fund your account. There are many ways to fund your account. The options are debit cards, bank transfer; alert pay, liberty reserve etc.
For the purpose of this article, I recommend, the site is based in UK and highly regulated, and it also accepts Liberty reserve.
The reason I prefer liberty reserve a method of funding your account is because funding is almost instant and withdrawal is same. For example I can trade in more than 5 games in a day with my profit using liberty reserve.
How to Register On Liberty Reserve
Go to and follow the registration procedure. It’s easy to set up.
This is what it looks like:

The question that must be bothering your mind now is:
How to Fund Liberty Account?
There are merchants in Nigeria that helps in liberty account funding; I encourage you to find the best for you. I restrict myself and avoid recommendation.
You will see the details of merchants on liberty reserve website.
Caution: Do not disclose your password to anybody for any reason.
Let’s Go To Trading Proper.
You need to analyze matches very well before placing your trade. By going to you will get idea of how to place a trade.
Here is about trading looks like

Another strategy I use to place trade is by going to the league table. For example if I want to place a trade in Spanish league,
All you do is go to and see the standing on the league table; this will give you more insight.
Once you get this information, you will know how to place your trade.
For those who will be venturing in this money making business I suggest you study carefully the rules guiding trading activities.
8 Golden Rules for Successful Football Trading and Maximum Profit.
It does not matter if you have all the money in the world or you are starting on shoestring budget, discipline is very important in football or any sport trading trading.
Managing your bankroll is a key attribute to being a successful sport trader. Your bankroll is a sum of money you set aside purely for trading purposes. No single transaction should take more than 10-15% of your starting bankroll.
As stated in rule 2, it is inevitable to have losses and losing days in this business.
How you cope with losses determines how successful you will be at sport trading.
Sport trading should be taking very serious, after all you in it to make money. Like in the medical field where there are specialties, you must specialize.
Once you decide in which area you wish to specialize, it is time to research your market and where you will make your investments. You can place your bets in a more focused manner. The power of computers and the Internet have made the obtaining of information so easy that in a matter of minutes you can find out as much information as you require about your chosen market.
It is absolutely vital that if you wish to take your sport trading onto the next level you keep accurate records of all your activities.
Which ever market you wish to specialize in I am going to give you one simple piece of advice – AVOID MULTIPLES – in any form of gambling these are the bread and butter earners for the odds setters.
Never ever! That’s it. Join a group created on facebook where you will get signals on matches to be traded on. The group is Sport trading secret.
For more information and enquiry send comments to, or send email to or
I wish you best of luck
Otule Abdul Hamid
08130565967, 07025653315
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